Friday, August 19, 2011


Through Jesus Christ, my Lord, YOUR Son i believe YOU.
As through Him, with Him and in Him i may know YOU, THE FATHER of all living things.
As YOU are THE TRUE GOD who make YOURSELF known to Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and all Whom YOUR Favour reigns.

As now the world is in the mess which YOU allow it to happens, i turn to YOU "THE MERCIFUL DIVINE : I AM THAT I AM" ; return to YOUR Heart full of compassion and mercy.

I am honoured to know YOU through Jesus Christ, YOUR Favour Son, my Lord.
By YOUR True Love which i know, feel and adore i have been called to YOUR Path in Christ. I have been called to follow His Way as He is The Way and The Truth and The Life. No one comes to YOU THE FATHER except through Him.

Thanks, Praise and Honour be to YOU ; not by might not by power but by The Holy Spirit, YOU guide me and grant me understanding of YOU ARE THE ONLY GOD no other god beside YOU.

My mind, heart and spirit in prayer be with brothers and sisters of Israelites, Arab, Christian and Muslim.

May THE PEACE from OUR GOD be with us always.
Shalom aleikhem
As-Salamu Alaykum

Pax Christi, Jezu Ufam Tobie.