Friday, November 25, 2011

Love Never Fails (Brandon Heath)

Love is not proud
Love does not boast
Love after all
Matters the most

Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep
Locked inside

Love is the river that flows through
Love never fails you

Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease
At the end of time

Love will protect
Love always hopes
Love still believes
When you don’t

Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you

When my heart won’t make a sound
When I can’t turn back around
When the sky is falling down
Nothing is greater than this
Greater than this

Love is right here
Love is alive
Love is the way
The truth the life

Love is the river than flows through
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you

Lyrics to Love Never Fails
Music Video (Youtube)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Karena Hari Ini

Karena Hari Ini, TUHAN telah karuniakan hidupmu
Karena Hari Ini, TUHAN telah hadiahkan papi dan mami dengan kehadiranmu
Karena Hari Ini, TUHAN telah percayakan dirimu untuk menjadi teman seperjalananku dalam kehidupan ini
Karena Hari Ini, engkau telah menjadi saluran untuk Berkat TUHAN bagi kita
Karena Hari Ini, kebahagiaan sungguh telah nyata.

TUHAN memberkati engkau dan melindungi engkau; TUHAN menyinari engkau dengan wajah-Nya dan memberi engkau kasih karunia; TUHAN menghadapkan wajah-Nya kepadamu dan memberi engkau damai sejahtera. (Bilangan 6:24-26 TB)

Faith, Hope and Love forever!

Happy birthday, my love, my best friend, and my soul.

Yours truly.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The story of Andoy

Somewhere in Milaor, Camarines Sur, Philippines there lived a fourth grader boy named Andoy who would follow this route to school everyday. He has to cross the rugged plains and cross the dangerous highway where vehicles are recklessly driving to and from. Once passed this highway, the boy would take a short cut by passing by the Church every morning just to say Hi to Jesus, and faithfully say his, "Magandang umaga po" in Bicol dialect. A Priest, who was so happy to find innocence so uplifting in the morning, was faithfully watching the boy. "Kamusta Andoy! Papasok ka na?" "Opo padre..." He would flash his innocent grin, the priest would be touched.

The priest was so concerned that one day he talked to Andoy, "From school...", he advised "do not cross the highway, you can pass through the Church and I can accompany you to the other side of the road... that way I can see that you are home safe. "Thank you father." "Why don't you go home? Why do you stay in this Church right after school?" "I just want to say "Hi" to my friend, Jesus,"

The priest would leave the boy to spend time beside the altar, talking by himself, but the priest hid behind the altar to listen to what this boy has to say to his heavenly FATHER. "You know my math exam was pretty bad today, but I did not cheat - although my seatmate is bullying me for notes ... I ate one cracker and drank my water, Itay had a bad season and all I can eat is this cracker. Thank you for this! I saw a poor kitten that was hungry and I know how he feels so I gave my last cracker to him ... funny but I am not that hungry. Look, this is my last pair of slippers ... I may have to walk barefooted next week ... you see this is about to be broken. But it is okay at least I am still going to school ... some says we will have a hard season this year and some of my classmates have already stopped going to school. Please help them get back to school again, please Jesus? ... Oh, you know, Inay had hit me again, it is painful, but I know this pain will pass away, at least I still have a mother ... Jesus, you want to see my bruises? I know you can heal them here and....oh ... blood ... I guess you knew about this one huh? Please don't be mad at Inay. She is just tired and she worries for the food in our table and my schooling that is
why she hits us ... Oh, I think I am in love ... there's this pretty girl in my class, her name is Anita ... do you think she will like me? Anyway, at least I know you will always like me, I don't have to be anybody just to please you, you are my very best friend! Hey your birthday is two months from now! Aren't you excited? I am! Wait till you see my gift for you.... But it is a surprise! I hope you will like it! Oops, I have to go..." then he stood up and calls out, "Padre, padre, I am finished
talking to my friend. You can accompany me to the other side of the road now"

Everyday this routine happens without fail for Andoy. Father Agaton shares this every Sunday to the people in his church because he has not seen a very pure faith and trust in Jesus, a very positive look at negative situations.

One Christmas day, Father Agaton was sick so he could not make it to Church, he was sent to the hospital. The Church was left to 4 manangs who would chant the rosary in 1000 miles per hour would not smile and always find fault in what you do. They are also very well versed in cursing if you irritate them! They were kneeling, saying their kilometric rosary when Andoy, coming from his Christmas party, playfully dashed in, "Hello Jesus! I. "P----! (a curse) bata ka! Alam mo nang may nagdadasal dito! Alis!" Poor Andoy was so terrified, "Where's Father Agaton? He is supposed to help me cross the
street.... And to be able to cross the street I will have to pass by this church ... not only that, I have to greet Jesus. Today is His birthday and I have a gift right here.... Just as he was about to get the gift out of his shirt, one manang pulled his shirt and threw him out of the church.
"Susmaryosep! (does a sign of the cross fervently) Alis kang bata ka, kung hindi matatamaan ka!

So the boy had no choice but to cross the dangerous side of the road in front of the church. He crossed. There was a blind curve. A fast moving bus came in. The boy was protecting his gift inside his shirt, so he was not looking. There was so little time. The bus hit Andoy and he died on the spot. A lot of people crowded the lifeless body of the young boy.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere a tall man wearing a white shirt and pants, a face so mild and gentle, but with eyes full of tears. He came and lifted the boy in his arms and he was crying. The curious bystanders nudged the man in white, and asked, "Excuse me sir, are you related to this child? Do you know this child?" The man, his face mourning and in agony answered, "He was my best friend." He took the badly wrapped gift in the bloody chest of Andoy and placed it near his heart. He
stood up and carried the boy away and they both disappeared in sight. The crowd was bewildered.

The next day, Father Agaton learned of the shocking news. He immediately visited Andoy's house and wanted to learn more about the man in white. He asked Andoy's parents. "Do you know the man who took Andoy?" "A man in white brought him here." sobbed the mother. "What did he say?" The father answered, "He did not say anything. He was mourning. We do not know him and yet he was very lonely at our son's death as if he knew our son very well. There was something peaceful and unexplainable about him. He brought my son home and then he smiled gently. He rubbed Andoy's hair away from
his face and kissed him on his forehead. Then he whispered something to Andoy."

"What did he say?", asked the priest. The father began, "He said to my son... "Thank you for the gift ... I will see you soon... you will be with me forever..." Andoy's father continued, "You know for a while, I felt so wonderful. I cried, but I do not know why. All I know is that I cried tears of joy. I could not explain it father. When that man left, something peaceful came over me. I felt a deep sense of love inside. I could not explain the joy in my heart. I knew my boy is in heaven now ... but ... tell me father, who is this man that my son talks to everyday in your church. You should know because you are always
there... except on the time of his death."

Father Agaton suddenly felt the tears welling in his eyes, with trembling knees, he murmured, "He was talking to no one.... but....JESUS."

the story was posted last november 2005 on this link God bless everyone..

Emmanuel! Jezu ufam tobie.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Q & A

Q: apa itu Kebahagiaan?
A: "NOW"

saat ini, merupakan kebahagiaan dan anugerah terbesar dari Tuhan.

Q: apa itu Kebodohan?
A: "ME"

Semua hal yg berpusat hanya sama satu kata, "AKU", itu namanya egois, dan itu merupakan suatu kebodohan.

Q: apa itu Kehidupan?

Manusia hidup tanpa harapan sama dengan mati.

Jezu ufam tobie. Emmanuel.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Father Mother I Love You (F A M I L Y)

Di jepang pernah ada tradisi membuang org yg sudah tua ke hutan. Mrk yg dibuang adalah org tua yg sudah tdk berdaya sehingga tdk membebani kehidupan anak2nya..

Pd suatu hari ada seorg pemuda yg berniat membuang ibunya kehutan, krn si Ibu tlh lumpuh ∂άϞ agak pikun..
Si pemuda tampak bergegas menyusuri hutan sambil menggendong ibunya.
Si Ibu yg kelihatan tak berdaya berusaha menggapai setiap ranting pohon yang bisa diraihnya lalu mematahkannya ∂άϞ menaburkannya disepanjang jalan yg mereka lalui.

Sesampai didalam hutan yg sangat lebat, si anak menurunkan Ibu tsb ∂άϞ mengucapkan kata perpisahan sambil berusaha menahan sedih krn ternyata dia tdk menyangka tega melakukan perbuatan ini terhdp Ibunya..

Justru si Ibu yang tampak tegar, dalam senyumnya dia berkata 'Anakku, Ibu sangat menyayangimu. Sejak kau kecil sampai dewasa Ibu selalu merawatmu dgn segenap cintaku. Bahkan sampai hari ini rasa sayangku tdk berkurang sedikitpun. Tadi Ibu sdh menandai sepanjang jalan yg kita lalui dgn ranting2 kayu. Ibu takut kau tersesat, ikutilah tanda itu agar kau selamat sampai dirumah..'

Setelah mendengar kata2 tsb, si anak menangis dgn sangat keras, menyesali tindakannya, kemudian langsung memeluk ibunya dan kembali menggendongnya utk membawa si Ibu pulang kermh. Pemuda tsb akhirnya merawat Ibu yg sangat mengasihinya sampai Ibunya meninggal..

'Orang tua' bukan barang rongsokan yg bisa dibuang atau diabaikan setelah terlihat tdk berdaya..
Krn pd saat engkau Sukses atau saat engkau dlm keadaan SuSaH, hanya 'orang tua' yg mengerti kita ∂άϞ batinnya akan menderita kalau kita susah..
'Org tua' kita tdk pernah meninggalkan kita, bagaimanapun keadaan kita, walaupun kita pernah kurang ajar kpd orang tua.. Namun Bapak ∂άϞ Ibu kita akan tetap mengasihi kita..

Mulai sekarang mari kita lebih mengasihi org tua kita selagi mereka masih hidup..

Courtesy from Camillus Yulianto

Apakah Tuhan menciptakan kejahatan?

Seorang Profesor terkenal menantang mahasiswa-mahasiswanya dengan pertanyaan:
"Apakah Tuhan menciptakan segala yang ada?" Seorang mahasiswa dengan berani menjawab, "Betul, Dia yang menciptakan semuanya". Professor berkata "Jika Tuhan menciptakan segalanya, berarti Tuhan menciptakan Kejahatan. Karena kejahatan itu ada, dan menurut prinsip kita bahwa pekerjaan kita menjelaskan siapa kita, jadi kita bisa berasumsi bahwa Tuhan itu adalah kejahatan." Mahasiswa itu terdiam dan tidak bisa menjawab hipotesis professor tersebut. Profesor itu merasa menang dan menyombongkan diri bahwa sekali lagi dia telah membuktikan kalau Tuhan itu adalah sebuah mitos. Mahasiswa lain mengangkat tangan dan berkata, "Profesor, boleh saya bertanya sesuatu?" "Tentu saja," jawab si Profesor Mahasiswa itu berdiri dan bertanya, "Profesor, apakah gelap itu ada?" Profesor itu menjawab, "hahaha bodoh sekali tentu saja gelap itu ada. Lalu "Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Anda salah, Pak. Gelap itu tidak ada. Gelap adalah keadaan dimana tidak ada cahaya. Cahaya bisa kita pelajari, gelap tidak. Kata gelap dipakai manusia untuk menggambarkan ketiadaan cahaya. Lalu mahasiswa itu bertanya,"Profesor, apakah kejahatan itu ada?" Dengan bimbang professor itu menjawab, "Tentu saja, Kita melihat setiap hari di Koran dan TV. Banyak perkara kriminal dan kekerasan. Perkara-perkara tersebut adalah manifestasi dari kejahatan."
Terhadap pernyataan ini mahasiswa itu menjawab,"Sekali lagi Anda salah, Pak. Kejahatan itu tidak ada. Kejahatan adalah ketiadaan Tuhan. Seperti gelap, kajahatan adalah kata yang dipakai manusia untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan Tuhan." "Tuhan tidak menciptakan kejahatan. Kejahatan adalah hasil dari tidak hadirnya Tuhan di hati manusia. Seperti gelap yang timbul dari ketiadaan cahaya."
Profesor itu malu dan terdiam. Lalu kemudian Professor itu bertanya: "Siapakah namamu"? Lalu mahasiswa itu menjawab: "Albert Einstein Pak!"

Courtesy from Little Candle (Pdkk Gloria - bbm group)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

In memoriam of Livia, Rest in Peace

Pada waktu itu orang menceritakan kepada Yesus mengenai beberapa orang Galilea yang dibunuh Pilatus, ketika mereka sedang mempersembahkan kurban kepada Allah. Menanggapi cerita itu, Yesus berkata, “Karena orang-orang Galilea itu dibunuh seperti itu, kalian kira itu buktinya mereka lebih berdosa daripada semua orang Galilea yang lain? Sama sekali tidak! Tetapi ingatlah: kalau kalian tidak bertobat dari dosa-dosamu, kalian semua akan mati juga, seperti mereka. Bagaimanakah juga dengan delapan belas orang yang tewas di Siloam, ketika menara itu menimpa mereka? Kalian kira itu menunjukkan mereka lebih berdosa daripada semua orang-orang lain yang tinggal di Yerusalem? Sama sekali tidak! Sekali lagi Kukatakan: Kalau kalian tidak bertobat dari dosa-dosamu, kalian semua akan mati juga seperti mereka.” (LUKAS 13:1-5 BIMK)

Kisah tragis nun jauh di Jakarta. Tidak ada seorang pun yang mau mengalami kemalangan atau kecelakaan. Banyak kali setiap ada kemalangan, reaksi yang muncul : mengapa TUHAN membiarkan? Atau dosa apa yang yang telah diperbuat oleh yang tertimpa kemalangan sehingga TUHAN membiarkan kemalangan? Inti keduanya adalah mempertanyakan TUHAN!

Apakah patut aku mempertanyakan TUHAN?

Ada tertulis : TUHAN tidak lambat memberikan apa yang telah dijanjikan-Nya walaupun ada yang menyangka demikian. Sebaliknya, Ia sabar terhadapmu, sebab Ia tidak mau seorang pun binasa. Ia ingin supaya semua orang bertobat dari dosa-dosanya. (2 PETRUS 3:9 BIMK)

Doaku untuk keselamatan jiwamu, Kerahiman TUHAN bersama rohmu selama-lamanya.
You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls (especially for Livia), and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. Jezu ufam tobie.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

EL Shaddai : GOD Alimighty

GOD FATHER, we as human put our abilities and knowledges above YOUR Wisdom ; YOU grant me wisdom to understand nothing is certain in this world, nothing but YOU Alone.

I attended a seminar today, it very well organized and I was overwhelmed by the preparation, the speakers, the material ; almost everything as a professional in business environment can see. Personally it was good to see that still many people (at least those who were in the seminar) have optimistic attitude towards the world's volatility. I was fortunate enough able to attend the seminar today and to be blessed by GOD's wisdom to understand beside all the technologies, the human knowledges and experiences, there are things beyond our power which they (we) call as uncertainty.

Before money exist in daily lives, I believe all were more simple and perhaps more meaningful (at least from my opinion).

Throughout human history, so many people, civilizations, kingdoms, nations rise and fall. So many events recorded (and unrecorded) were happened beyond anybody control, yet people still so confidence on they own knowledges and capabilities.

My perspective about life is very simple, perhaps because i look at it from what I believe, which there is GOD. We human have ability to understand that there must be something after death, and at the same level to understand the meaning to be born and live our life here in this world. It will be a pity if we think that's it, after death all will be finished.

To believe that there is GOD, will make huge different on how we live our life, it is my personal reflection base on my own life.

This note is to share what I believe, that beyond all human knowledges, wisdoms, skills, abilities ; there are some things belong to GOD Almighty to manage.


Friday, August 19, 2011


Through Jesus Christ, my Lord, YOUR Son i believe YOU.
As through Him, with Him and in Him i may know YOU, THE FATHER of all living things.
As YOU are THE TRUE GOD who make YOURSELF known to Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and all Whom YOUR Favour reigns.

As now the world is in the mess which YOU allow it to happens, i turn to YOU "THE MERCIFUL DIVINE : I AM THAT I AM" ; return to YOUR Heart full of compassion and mercy.

I am honoured to know YOU through Jesus Christ, YOUR Favour Son, my Lord.
By YOUR True Love which i know, feel and adore i have been called to YOUR Path in Christ. I have been called to follow His Way as He is The Way and The Truth and The Life. No one comes to YOU THE FATHER except through Him.

Thanks, Praise and Honour be to YOU ; not by might not by power but by The Holy Spirit, YOU guide me and grant me understanding of YOU ARE THE ONLY GOD no other god beside YOU.

My mind, heart and spirit in prayer be with brothers and sisters of Israelites, Arab, Christian and Muslim.

May THE PEACE from OUR GOD be with us always.
Shalom aleikhem
As-Salamu Alaykum

Pax Christi, Jezu Ufam Tobie.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Segenggam Garam

Dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang guru yang terkenal bijaksana. Pada suatu pagi, datanglah seorang pemuda dengan langkah lunglai dan rambut masai. Pemuda itu sepertinya tengah dirundung masalah. Tanpa membuang waktu, dia mengungkapkan keresahannya: impiannya gagal, karier, cinta, dan hidupnya tak pernah berakhir bahagia.

Sang Guru mendengarkannya dengan teliti dan seksama. Ia lalu mengambil segenggam garam dan meminta tamunya untuk mengambil segelas air. Dia taburkan garam itu ke dalam gelas, lalu dia aduk dengan sendok.

” Coba minum ini, dan katakan bagaimana rasanya?” pinta Sang Guru.

“Asin dan pahit, pahit sekali,” jawab pemuda itu, sembari meludah ke tanah.

Sang Guru hanya tersenyum. Ia lalu mengajak tamunya berjalan ke tepi telaga di hutan dekat kediamannya. Kedua orang itu berjalan beriringan dalam kediaman. Sampailah mereka ke tepi telaga yang tenang itu. Sang Guru lalu menaburkan segenggam garam tadi ke dalam telaga. Dengan sebilah kayu, diaduknya air telaga, membuat gelombang dan riak kecil.

Setelah air telaga tenang, ia pun berkata, “Coba, ambil air dari telagaini, dan minumlah.”

Saat tamu itu selesai meneguk air telaga, Sang Guru bertanya, “Bagaimana rasanya?”

“Segar,” sahut pemuda itu.

“Apakah kamu masih merasakan garam di dalam air itu?” tanya Sang Guru.

“Tidak,” jawab si anak muda.

Sang Guru menepuk-nepuk punggung si anak muda. Ia lalu mengajaknya duduk bersimpuh di tepi telaga.

“Anak muda, dengarlah. Pahitnya kehidupan seumpama segenggam garam. Jumlah dan rasa pahit itu adalah sama, dan memang akan tetap sama.Tetapi, kepahitan yang kita rasakan, akan sangat tergantung dari wadah atau tempat yang kita pakai. Kepahitan itu, selalu berasal dari bagaimana cara kita meletakkan segalanya. Itu semua akan tergantung pada hati kita. Jadi, saat kamu merasakan kepahitan atau kegagalan dalam hidup, hanya ada satu hal yang boleh kamu lakukan: lapangkanlah dadamu untuk menerima semuanya. Luaskanlah hatimu untuk menampung setiap kepahitan itu. Luaskan cara pandang terhadap kehidupan. Kamu akan banyak belajar dari keluasan itu.”

“Hatimu anakku, adalah wadah itu. Batinmu adalah tempat kamu menampung segalanya. Jadi, jangan jadikan hatimu itu seperti gelas, buatlah hatimu seluas telaga yang mampu meredam setiap kepahitan. Hati yang seluas dunia!”

Keduanya beranjak pulang. Sang Guru masih menyimpan “segenggam garam” untuk orang-orang lain, yang sering datang padanya membawa keresahan hati.

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